

Apr 26

Rep. Grimm Applauds Approval of NYS Recovery Plan, Providing Funding for Staten Island Buyouts

STATEN ISLAND, NY – Rep. Michael G. Grimm (R,C-SI/Brooklyn) applauds today’s announcement of the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s approval of the NYS Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) Program, which clears the way for home buyout programs:

“I applaud Secretary Donovan and Governor Cuomo for expediting the approval of the New York State CDBG-DR Action Plan.  While the reach of the State plan is limited in NYC, these funds will allow us to move forward with a buyout plan in the hardest hit communities like Oakwood Beach.  I have aggressively advocated for a buyout program, and continue to call for an expansive program that allows all eligible communities, from Midland Beach to Tottenville to benefit from these buyouts and acquisitions for redevelopment.

“Superstorm Sandy presented us with the unfortunate reality that some areas along Staten Island’s coast are not sustainable for development, and should be returned to Mother Nature where they can serve as a buffer for future storms.  Other areas simply need upgrading to meet more stringent mitigation and hurricane protection standards.  It is within these areas where an acquisition for redevelopment would be appropriate.

“As this first wave of CDBG funding begins flowing, I will continue to work closely with Governor Cuomo and Mayor Bloomberg to move forward with a buyout and redevelopment program. In doing so, we will strengthen the communities along our coastline and finally bring relief to homeowners who have been waiting six-months too long for answers.”

Source: http://grimm.house.gov/press-release/rep-grimm-applauds-approval-nys-recovery-plan-providing-funding-staten-island-buyouts